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Coelogyne cristata “alba”
Coelogyne crista “alba” is an unusual plant, which bears blousy white flowers in spring – short lived yet beautiful! They provide year round interest with their unusual plump green pseudobulbs and strappy lush foliage.
These lovely plants are currently out of flower – putting on lots of new growth and set to flower in spring.
Pictures are a guide only. Terracotta pot not included.
5 in stock
Coelogyne ( pronounced “see-LODGE-in-ee) is a species of wide ranging epiphyte that can be found from India and Chine to Indonesia and the Himalayas. They can be found in tropical lowland forests and in cooler mountain rainforests.
- They like temperatures of 16oC to 24oC degrees. They need a cooler winter to help with reflowering – 7oC -13oC is ideal.
- Fairly bright indirect light is good. If they are grown in a conservatory or greenhouse then some shading will be needed during the summer months to prevent leaf burn and overheating.
- Normally, watering once each week is sufficient however during summer it may be necessary to water twice weekly.
- They love a high humidity – about 50-70% is ideal. You can help achieve this by sitting in a gravel tray with water in. Just make sure the plant isn’t sitting in water!
- We recommend using rainwater when watering/feeding
- Flowers are beautiful, but short lived – make the most of them!
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