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Oncidium Alexandrae
(Odontoglossum crispum)

Discovered by Theodor Hartweg in the Columbian Andes between 1841 & 1842 while on a plant collecting trip for the ‘Horticultural Society of London’. Later thousands of these orchids were imported into Europe, including some UK nurseries, Low & Co and Charlesworth (later also McBeans).
These nurseries exchanged plants and started hybridising programs, which resulted in many new varieties to sell, some for huge sums of money.
In 1971 Charlesworth nursery was incorporated into McBeans, giving a further boost to our collection. McBeans have been direct breeding Onc. Alexandrae plants since the company established in 1879, and the plants have been sent all around the world and still in great demand.
Oncidium Alexandrae has been used in many royal bouquets and floral arrangements over the years. We bred Onc. Alexandrae ‘Diamond Jubilee’ which was presented to HRH Queen Elizabeth, and we still look after, and latterly have put in the Royal box at Ascot during the Royal meeting.
The highest accolade for Oncidium Alexandrae was the variety ‘Barcombe’, which won the ‘best Oncidium award’ at the Singapore World Orchid Show.