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Your new orchid likes a warm, comfortable existence. We would recommend temperatures around:
Night time 13°C minimum
Daytime 29°C and 18°C minimum
If you are growing your brassia in the home an east or west window would be fine, even a south facing window if it is shaded with a net curtain. To grow at intermediate temperatures in a glasshouse, choose a well lit spot with indirect sun light.
Always use rainwater! Never allow your plant to dry out completely in the summer when temperatures are high. Water frequently possibly every 3-4 days.
Water less frequently as the temperature drops and light levels reduce. By the time winter arrives, watering should be infrequent, say once a fortnight or three weeks. If temperatures drop below 11c stop watering. Gradually increase watering in the spring as temperatures rise to encourage new growth.
Water well from the top and leave to drain. Never stand the plant in excess water but make sure that it is allowed to drain away.
Include orchid fertiliser in 3 out of 4 waterings – we always recommend our specialist fertiliser which you can purchase here.
Humidity is very important – Lack of humidity, particularly when the temperature rises, can result in the shrivelling of pseudobulbs. Light misting in the summer would be beneficial and daily damping down of the glasshouse is advisable during periods of high temperatures. Both should be carried out in the morning.
When indoors, standing the plant on a moist gravel tray will create a microclimate and assist growth. Make sure the base of the pot is above the water level. Putting the pot on an upturned saucer would help lift it slightly.
Epiphytic orchids need a well aerated, free draining compost. Most commercial growers would probably be using bark but various mixtures including those made with coconut shell can be used successfully as long as the result is very free draining. You can buy our mix here.
Repotting will be needed when the plant itself starts to overhang the pot. This will probably be about every two or three years. Repotting should be carried out in the spring when new growth appears and preferably before new shoots start to grow. Dampen the new compost. Bark will need soaking for a while to let it absorb sufficient moisture before use. Once your plant is repotted, leave the compost to dry out before watering. Keep your plant shaded and humid. This will encourage new root growth.
We offer a repotting service at £5 per plant/ division. Email us at to book an appointment.
• Your orchid doesn’t like standing next to a heater or radiator and dislikes cold draughts.
• Plants will lose the odd leaf from time to time. Don’t worry.